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Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. 

Overview of Standard

As I understand, the overall impact of Standard 9, expresses that the teacher is, and should be, forever a student; zest for knowledge, continued experience, reflective opportunities, and personal pursuit of academic, social, emotional, and creative success, become part of the teacher’s ongoing personal and professional pursuits. Alongside a sense of unending knowledge, is a commitment to an ebb and flow of practice, reflection, and alignment. That is, the teacher is responsible for being sure that his/her needs, the needs of learners, the school, and the system, are all considered top priority when it comes to seeking and engaging in opportunities that excel professional practice and influence. Aware of personal bias, identity, viewpoints, prior experience, and perceptions, the teacher must equally be savvy to the policies, research, expectations, codes, standards, laws, and ethics put in place to keep everyone safe and supported, regardless of place or position. The teacher is able to fluctuate between necessary self-assessment and peer assessment, while also looking for opportunities to seek and utilize resources (professional, community, technological) in and outside of school, in order to best contribute to an environment of differentiation, growth, sharing, evaluation, collaboration, and respect. To teachers: Analyze, realize, and strategize for the appropriate, and well-deserved, education, and overall treatment of those in your care, including your “self.”

Artifact #1: Link

Descriptor: 9(b): The teacher engages in meaningful and appropriate professional learning experiences aligned with his/her own needs and the needs of the learners, school, and system. 

Earlier in the school year, I had the privilege of attending a conference with my Cooperating Teacher, and colleague. This was a conference put on by the Bureau of Education & Research (BER), titled, “Increase All Your Students’ Learning with Practical, Timesaving Work Stations that Work!” Focused uniquely on Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, this conference was dedicated to equipping teachers with essential tools regarding what I have come to know as “Centers.” Though “Centers” and “Work Stations” differ from one another, there is a common thread that aims to promote student independence, exploration, peer work, and skill development. By attending this conference, I fulfilled a commitment to taking part in meaningful and appropriate professional learning experiences that ultimately benefit myself and those I work with. Furthermore, this specific experience aligned well with my current school, due to the fact that “Work Stations” and/or “Centers” are integral to curriculum, and design, in Kindergarten. I also know “Centers” are present, either in part or fully, in the other lower level grades. Thus, my attendance at this conference reflects what I believe descriptor 9(b) strives to inspire: the significance of my own professional growth and development, as well as the importance of meeting the needs of learners, the school, and the system, that I have come to know and represent. 

Here is a link to the conference for reference:

Artifact #2:

List of Training and Certifications

Descriptor: 9(a) The teacher engages in ongoing learning opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in order to provide all learners with engaging curriculum and learning experiences based on local and state standards. 

In aims of showing an array of evidence to support this descriptor, I have created a list of relevant, education based, experiences that demonstrate 1) My unending commitment to seeking and participating in learning opportunities, and 2) The skill sets and unique trades I have acquired throughout such endeavors. I am an avid believer that teachers are, and must always remain, students as well. This list provides insight into what I find aligns with my educational philosophy, as well as what makes my teaching approaches unique. With goals of integrating all I learn into curriculum that I develop, or contribute to, it is also very important that many of these trainings and/or workshops be steeped in local and state standards; after all, these factors matter most to the future students of Hawaii, and in particular Oahu, that I will be working with. My resume, I presume, also justifies my significant efforts put forth to engage myself in educational opportunities. As an additional example, one of my certifications designates me as a Yoga Ed. Educator and Trainer. As such, the curriculum I teach, equips my students with essential yoga tools to promote health and wellness, and is also in alignment with National Health and P.E. standards. 

Trainings; Certifications; Educational Workshops

  • Bureau of Education and Research Seminar - February, 2017

       "Increase All Your Students’ Learning with Practical, Timesaving Work Stations that Work!"

        Focus: PreK/Kindergarten. Location: Honolulu, HI.


  • Addressing the Nature of Challenging - November, 2016

       Behavior in Young Children Workshop for Early Childhood Educators.

       Presented by Hawaii Association of Independent Schools. Location: Mid-Pacific Institute, HI.

  • Schools of the Future - October, 2016

       Co-presenter with Yoga Ed & attendee. Location: Honolulu, HI


  • ARTS FIRST: Teaching Artist Institute - 2014, 2015, 2016

       Location(s): Hanahauoli School and Hawaii State Art Museum.


  • National Kids Yoga Conference - November, 2015

       Location: George Washington University, D.C.


  • “Habits of Mind” Workshop - February, 2015

        Dr. Art Costa’s Habits of Mind: How to implement into class curriculum. Location: Liholiho Elementary School. 

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