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Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. 

Overview of Standard

Standard 10 verifies, and upholds, the crucial importance that teachers must contribute to the field of education wholly: in mind, in practice, and in participation. Standard 10 ensures that educators will not only value and understand their responsibilities in contributing to, and molding, the very environment which they live and work in, but also play a proactive role in being an advocate for professional development, collaboration, and common collegial culture. This, of course, includes endeavors such as: working with others (professionals, families, community), striving to meet the needs of all learners, and being responsible for this learning always, school-wide efforts, goal and vision building, integration of technological tools, balancing in-person and virtual relationships, defining and shaping local and global learning, developing and sharing meaningful research concerning educational policies, issues, practices, roles, and pursuing opportunities for enacting system change. Educators need consider all things at the district, state, and national levels, without losing sight of the rightful respect we all deserve; pertaining, for example, to belief, culture, and norms. Individually, every educator must see the importance within him/herself, to continually engage in self improvement, allow for growth by facing challenge, and seek professional development. Collectively, we must advance and empower education of tomorrow, by embodying leadership roles today.

Artifact #1: Case Study

Descriptor: 10(e): Working with school colleagues, the teacher builds ongoing connections with community resources to enhance student learning and well being.

In support of Standard 10(e), I have chosen to highlight my position as a Yoga Ed. Educator and Trainer. I am certified to bring yoga education programs into schools, as well as lead professional development for school staff, utilizing the Yoga Ed. philosophy and curriculum. Yoga Ed. is an educational organization dedicated to affecting change in schools, by equipping teachers, students, and families with essential yoga tools; benefitting academics, social-emotional skills, and overall health and wellness. At my current school, I have had the unique privilege of introducing Yoga Ed. to the entire school faculty, as well as families, in my position as Health and Wellness Director. As such, I have worked collaboratively with various grade level and specialist teachers, as well as administrators, to ensure that yoga is a daily part of every child's learning experience. Each class now dedicates 10 minutes a day to yoga in their classroom. I also have an ongoing after-school yoga program, and an open faculty and family yoga class, held weekly. Having maintained strong connections between Yoga Ed. and the school, we have been able to implement online yoga classes to continue, and strengthen, the support of students' (and faculty's) learning and well being.

Follow this Link to Yoga Ed., and read the case study regarding yoga, and mindfulness, at Holy Nativity School!

Artifact #2:

Presentation for Parents

Descriptor: 10(m) The teacher understands that alignment of family, school, and community spheres of influence enhances student learning and that discontinuity in these spheres of influence interferes with learning. 

As I moved through my solo teaching, and in my position as Assistant Teacher, I came to truly know and value the essential interconnectedness that can thrive between family, school, and community. As evidence of my meeting this descriptor, the artifact I have chosen to include is a compilation slideshow that I made for the parents of my students, and the 3rd grade AT and lead.


During my solo teaching time, I also wrote the weekly newsletter that was received by every Kindergarten family. It became my responsibility to utilize this platform to share the beauty, creativity, knowledge, and empowerment that was happening in the Kinder classroom. I quickly realized, that in some instances (depending on the school), this might be one of the only interactions parents can have with their child's teacher. Thus, I realize how any discontinuity in the spheres (family, school, community) could potentially interfere with learning. As I accepted my role in inspiring these spheres to work in harmony, I knew how important a small gesture (creating a presentation for the parents) would be, in the greater scope of things. Thus, this artifact exemplifies my intentions to never take for granted these precious spheres. 

I have taken the initiative to create a gallery version of the parent slideshow, in order to show part of what was shared with Kinder parents, and 3rd grade teachers. I had to edit images in order to protect the privacy of students. Each photo captures the final iPad presentation made by each Kinder student, using the app Pic, Play, Post. These presentations were created in collaboration with Kinder's 3rd grade book buddies. 

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